more about this site

this site is under active development as of today: click on this sentence to view the live project.

See something out of place? Have a GitHub account? Feel free to open an issue here.

The domain I use for my personal website has its registration renewed at the end of May every year. For its anniversary (May 2020), I decided to rewrite the site from scratch.

There are several Easter Eggs (PDF download) being added to the site on a semi-regular basis. One can simply go through the source code to find them, but I believe that the satisfaction of stumbling across one at random far outweighs the satisfaction of a passionate egg-hunt.

[ TIP: on desktop screens, hover over things ]

Although I'm an ardent fan of libraries (see: Alexandria), there are no CSS libraries used on this site.

In addition to using plain HTML and CSS, I built (and continue to build) this website using the following:

The usual suspects in my production environment are: These aren't the droids you were looking for.