
a curated collection of personal and professional projects i have worked / am working on. click anywhere on the card to visit the respective project:

(visit the archive for shelved projects)

Portfolio / landing page [ current ]

All about how this website is being built.
This is my personal website. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Tofu Guide

A blazing fast, accessible guide to cooking with tofu.
Built using Hugo and Go templating.
Eleventy.js Blog Starter

A simple, barebones HTML and CSS blogsite using Eleventy.js
Feel free to clone the repo onto your local machine!
Design Portfolio

My personal design portfolio. Personal side projects, flyer designs for clubs, UI prototypes.

A fun side-project.
In one static page, I've tried to explain JSON file formats while juxtaposing the information with a pun.
Portfolio / Landing page [ archived ]

This was the previous version of my website.
It is built using GatsbyJS and is hosted on Github Pages. I miss it sometimes.